Burning down bridges..
http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk42 ... bottom.jpg) no-repeat bottom; width: 450px; border: #666666 1px solid;">

OOC text

Had Hel known of Iskata's fears, she would have brushed them off as silly fancies. To her, the weaponry she carried was her true nature, and she yielded every piece in her arsenal with great skill. She saw her career as mercenary not as others did, senseless brutal murder, but an art. Of course she could tear the other limb from limb, but that would truly be unnecessary and stupid. Had she known about the war, Hel would have tried to explain to Iskata exactly what her trade was. She killed those who deserved to die. She passed no judgement on them, she accepted their word for it and sought nothing more. If she'd tried anything else she would have been a far worse assassin.

Hel looked over her shoulder, towards the mountain. What exactly had caused the destruction Iskata spoke of? She would find out. She needed to. If Connor was that way, then she would have to follow. For a moment, she even pondered asking Iskata about Connor, but she would blow her own cover. Not a wise idea. No, merchant it was. I am glad you like it. It certainly suits you. Hel gave Iskata one of her reassuring smiles, perking her ears to listen closely and register everything. So not only had two packs disbanded, but this female and one other friend thought of creating something new. A pack. Hm. She didn't know what to say, really. She and Styx had come here on a mission, but it would be unwise to show allegiance just yet. If Connor joined their pack, then she couldn't kill him. Styx was right, yes. In Europe they live in cities, much like this one. We both travelled together and we didn't join into packs. We traded with them, but nothing more. Here.... I am not sure what we should do here. I kindly accept your offer, Iskata, but must refuse it for now. I hope that if Styx and I ever decide to join later, we will be welcome. Hel thought for a moment. Worth a shot... You mentioned lone wolves. Who are they, exactly? Do you know them? Hel had to be careful. If Iskata became too suspicious, she could walk away. And then, if Hel ever needed her help, she might not give it.

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