if i cut off your arms, cut off your legs
Hi James. Apollo is totally going to be a rebel, rarr. (382)[html]

This rain sucked, and yet, somehow Apollo didn’t find it to be so bad. With some proper training and a few more months to hone his skills, he would find that tracking would be oddly easier in this type of weather. Instead he found the scent of rain clinging to every breath he took, and his vision obscured by the falling water. It sucked because he was cold, but he didn’t mind all that much that he was getting slightly lost.

The voice that spoke to him was unfamiliar, yet strangely welcoming. He looked to the coyote and found the crimson gaze that peered at him through the falling rain. This stranger terrified him. It was the way he held out his hand, beckoning Apollo forward, and the air that surrounded him. It intrigued the pup to move towards him – to find out more. Something about this felt wrong, yet strangely justified. He wasn’t supposed to talk to strangers, but he didn’t care. No one could tell him what to do anymore. He didn’t have a father, even if Sirius had gone to live with him. He didn’t need anyone anymore. He would show his brother. He wasn’t going to be the one to cower behind his brother’s legs and follow him around. He was going to be a free soul. Apollo wanted to be like this coyote – strangely frightening, yet so intriguing.

Before he had the chance to say anything, a familiar rust colored blur entered Apollo’s peripheral. His brother’s voice came, loud and obnoxious. Apollo scowled at him for having ruined his adventure alone. So much for making this trip by himself. Sirius couldn’t help himself. He was always showing up to ruin the day.

"Va a casa, Sirius." Apollo hissed, rolling his mismatched eyes as he looked back to the coyote. "My brotha’s stupid," he informed Samael, before brushing past them both and wandering closer to one of the hospital’s doors. He really wanted to go inside. This place had the same malevolent feeling that the coyote did, and Apollo wanted to explore it’s darkened hallways. "Lasciarlo solo!" He called back to Sirius as he stepped closer to the building, and managed to find some shelter from the rain where a window ledge stuck out further than the wall.


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