A bored afternoon

End it here? I've enjoyed this thread, so I apologize for being so late in replying >.< My friend hooked me on a game, and it's been draining my time.

"That's the question," the bronze wolf answered, looking discontentedly out into the trees. It would be one thing if the two types wouldn't interfere with one another, but the fearful wolves not only wanted to avoid conflict at all costs...even in self defense...they also wanted to punish any wolf who retaliated against violence orchestrated by others. Such action was...well, it was obscene, to punish people for protecting themselves against unprovoked antagonists.

"My answer is generally to fight for the latter. They don't like it when you do that here, though." He rose, deciding that he needed to walk off some of the resentment that the conversation was reminding him that he carried. "I think it's about time for me to be on my way, Desaevio. I can tell my packmates about Dahlia's war, but don't count on assistance. People like us number too few, here. I wish you luck in your search, nevertheless" With that he began off, he didn't care in what direction. Sometimes he wished that there were more Jantus's in this part of the world. If the population of the Snow-Capped Pine resided here...it would be a much different, and far more just, place.

~The lyrics are from the best song ever written.

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