watch the wild horses

The man continued to pound nails into place, his great strength making it easy work for him, at this rate he would have the stables and fencing and paddocks built by the end of the next two full moons if that. Already there was shape to the framework, designs and drawings were everywhere, held in place by rocks or stuffed into crevasses. The Austral male was proud of the work he had completed in the short time he had been here, even if he left soon after its completion Anathema would always have something to remember him by.

He had an inkling something was going to go wrong when she ordered the feline to depart their company, it was mixed feelings and the blue fur ball sauntered off out of sensory range, on one hand he was glad the thing was gone but on the other why would Io send him away if she wasn't about to say something bad. He even paused in his hammering awaiting her words. The handle of the hammer was crushed as his paw clenched shut tightly around it. Anger spiked through him and more grinding noises came from his paw along with a stream of blood as splinters dug deep into his flesh.

He opened his hand and a slurry of wood and blood dribbled from it along with now useless remains of the hammer. His jaw was clenched tightly and a vein puled threateningly in his temple. He didn't say anything however just stared at her as blood dripped from his paw blanketing the dead grass at their feet with a carpet of crimson. He kept his mouth forcefully closed for a very good reason, if he spoke then he would start shouting and if he shouted then things would get broken besides his destroyed hammer and he couldn't promise things wouldn't get thrown at her as well.

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