Dream Is Collapsing

WOO! wc: 652

The male grinned as she complied, shifting right back for him obediently. It wasn't often Frodo was in charge, and wasn't often he got to tell another what to do. In fact, he couldn't remember one time where he'd been in a situation like the one he was in now. The auburn and black brute gave a brief tail wag, noting the girl's teeth were nice and healthy, nice and sharp. She could easily do some damage, she just needed the basic skill and practice to do so. Nobody could make a kill cleanly without being taught how to. Frodo's father had taught him all he needed to get along by himself; the titan anxiously wondered why Terra had not got teachings from her own parents. But needless to say, they would get straight to the action.

Then lets skedaddle. the wolf flashed a toothy smile and then his expression fell serious for once, his ears perking up. As Terra had done, Frodo observed the prey in the area. Multiple sources; the rabbits, of course, a warthog or wild pig of some sort (which would have been a good choice for hunting had he not been giving a very first lesson to the girl), and mice. Quickly, he crossed the pig off the list. It's tusks were not to be under estimated. Mice were small, and weak, but sly and nifty. Mice actually took a great deal of practice to catch. Rabbits were probably their best bet, however common they were. Follow, squire. Frodo commanded, skulking along the corners of the area, pushing into some trees silently and sitting himself down into a crouch; from a place he could easily spy on the warren. A good hunter is always alert, my girl. Keep your ears, eyes, and nose fresh, you got me? he paused, licked his chops. Continued. It's survival of the fittest. Us wolves pick out the sick, injured, or weak. Like that munter over there, you follow? his eyes and head tilted to a rabbit with a limp. Tip: stalk as close as you can before makin' the strike. If they get into their hidey-holes, you're gone for. Now, I do declare a demonstration. Frodo gestured for the female to stay in her place, and then crept round. He knew there were three other rabbits out at the time, apart from the lame one. The wolf stalked silently from the behind, so he was facing the rabbit's backs, with their den behind him. The long grass concealed him well, and Frodo got ever-so-close before leaping suddenly from his low crouch and sprinting. The rabbits froze before reacting, as they always did. It was no contest.

The wolf ran at a subtle pace, tracking the rabbit as it flee'd a couple of meters before Frodo had skidded low, catching the rabbit by the neck with a steel grip on his jaws. All the time, his run had been low-based, his head down and eyes, ears, and nose alert. Frodo was soon back in his place with the rabbit in his mouth. The other rabbits had fled home. Trick is, to get between their home and them. Thattaway, they can't escape, you get me? Mouse get's the cheese. he said once spitting the rabbit to the ground.

The wolf leapt up and trotted forwards, way past the warren and climbing over a hill. He was familiar with the reserve, and knew about the secondary warren just over the green mound. Reaching the top of the hill, Frodo collapsed into a laying position, over looking the next set of rabbit-homes. Now, you try. I'll be givin' you feedback afterwards. Don't expect to get it right the first time. Go for the neck, and nuffink else. it was all a game of cat and mouse, and trial and error. He was just giving her the basics now; and later would come the complicated stuff.

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