and why?


Amy grinned. He had hesitated at the extraction of a promise. That meant he wouldn't back out. That was very good news for her. Even better, he had accepted. That meant she now had a killer under her wing. Good. You'll just have to repeat after me. His worries about what she would ask him to do was sweet, but unnecessary. She didn't even know what she'd ask him to do.

I'm not too sure. It depends on what I need. That's why I'm taking a promise, as a hold against the future. I don't need your services now, but I would certainly like to have them available when I do. She wouldn't ask him to kill for her, of course. That was her own private pleasure. The things she would ask for would be more along the lines of getting food and repairing stuff. She might also use him to go places she'd gotten in trouble at to continue her trading. Are you read?

Amy Sunders

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