and why?

OOC here!

Amy smiled sweetly. Clearing her throat she began to speak. By my blood, I promise to give you three things. By my kin I will give you what you ask of me. By my soul I swear that I will not break this, and fulfill the three tasks you grant me. I am Amy Sunders. Her voice changed as she spoke. One could feel how serious this was. The air stirred slightly, as if in response to what she said. If someone could see her aura, they'd see the normally blank air flickering black.

She turned and smiled at the small wolf. Simply replace my name with yours and the contract is sealed. This would be her first contract in the new land. A thrill ran through her veins. This contract was binding. Even after death she would hunt them, chaining their ghosts to the lands. They could not escape her.

Amy Sunders

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