Selling sea shells by the sea shore..

Don't worry about it! I hope you're feeling a little better. Smile

An exaggerated frown spread across Alexey's face as she examined the luperci standing before her. Could he be trusted? His physical stance showed no ill intention, but that could easily be faked. Perhaps it was all an act; a good one at that. As she opened her maw to throw more accusations at him, the dark male offered an explanation: a clarification that left the Koios female both confused and intrigued. So he was less dangerous in luperci form: odd, but that affirmation somewhat made sense. Alexey had never thought of it that way before. Should anything happen, she would probably be able to outrun him since he did seem kind of slow on those two legs. That thought recomforted her. His sudden grin then left the two-year-old femme a little flustered, unsure of how she should react. She returned the gesture, smiling coyly. This male was truly fascinating. Alexey couldn't help but gape at his transformed paws, following his every movement with great curiosity. She particularly liked the beads adorning his mane, finding them both stylish and pretty. The tawny female felt like a pup once again, uneducated and impressed with the littlest things.

"No. I've never seen a shape... shifter before.", she answered honestly. Lexey didn't know whether she should confide in this male or not. Part of her wanted to tell him about her sister's encounter with a luperci; how Adelaida had been threatened with a knife by one of those freaks. But she left it at that, remaining silent until she could process all of the information being thrown at her. So Dahlia de mai was a pack, and Filix was a rank. It all made a little more sense now. Pieces of the puzzle were starting to fall into place, relieving Alexey from any additional stress she'd encountered due to her ignorance. "No pack. I travel with my sister Adelaida. We used to live here, but we had to leave for a little while and when we came back, everything had changed. New wolves, shape shifters, coy-" She suddenly went quiet, fully aware that she had babbled way too much. Alexey was growing a little emotional, unable to contain her feelings. Stupid nostalgia. If only things hadn't changed...

"I like your beads.", she admitted sheepishly. Oh, if only Ade had been around to hear her say this. Lexey wouldn't have heard the end of it.

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