Luperci vs Non-Luperci
If a blind wolf were to meet Luperci A and Non-Luperci B, if she is not explicitly told that they are Luperci and Non, then the differences she detects between them can amount to any of their other differences -- differences in where they traveled to last, what they'd last eaten, the uniqueness of their own personal scent, etc. If the blind wolf is told that one is Luperci and one is Non, and she later meets other Luperci, she may be able to draw the line better between Luperci as a group, but it will take a while of learning and knowing that each Luperci is a Luperci. In the beginning, again, the differences she detects can be attributed to any number of things if she doesn't know that she is trying to distinguish Luperci from Non-Luperci. Hopes that makes sense.

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