Bullets catch in her teeth

Sophie Hughes
Ooc stuffs.
Word Count → 207

Sophie didn't hear the startled sounds of Leon awakening behind her as she moved out into the world, her ears swiveling atop her head and her eyes peering cautiously out at the bushes and trees around her. She was looking for Daire, though she wouldn't admit it; the man scared her beyond belief, and it would take her a while before this morning ritual would stop. She'd barely made a sweep of the treeline before Leon appeared, however, barking softly to get her attention.

Turning and blinking at him, she gave a soft "whuff!" of her own, her tail wagging happily. He asked her what she was doing, and if she was okay, and she tilted her head at him, blinking owlishly but saying nothing. Of course she was okay! He was here, wasn't he? And Boothe and Trigger were fast asleep; if they could do that, there was no reason for her not to be okay. So she just smiled and tilted her head a little, flattening one ear to the side and blinking at him.

Broofer sleep well? She asked finally, circling around to lean up on his leg and cocking her head again worriedly. He looked hurt; she hoped he would feel better soon.

Life goes on, it gets so heavy
The wheel breaks the butterfly

template by revo, stock by sie! <3


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