Hot and Cold
A shiver ran over her spine as she was stalked. It felt good, knowing that she was wanted. Amy watched as the silvery wolf approached her, muscles smooth as silk. Her brown eyes glowed, almost laughing in the light. The shadows were perfect for this game of cat and mouse, dancing over their furs as a covering. Thoirni reached her, and she rewarded him with a soft whine, stretching out towards him.

The male smiled up at her. It didn't matter that they were both strangers, brought together by chance. What mattered was the moment, and the quiet thrumming of her heart. Her tail wagged lazily, the wet fur flashing as the small pieces of sunlight hit it. Her fur was almost dry, with just droplets clinging to her body. She pressed into him, allowing their bodies to rub together before she pulled apart, gazing into his eyes.

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