Thick as Thieves

OOC: / WC: 284

She had been caught, the dagger at her sights quickly taken from her reach. She fell forward her balance shifted and caused her to tumble forward from the surprise of getting caught. She had thought she had the thieving down, but as it had seemed the young Luperci had still much to learn and practice. Her gaze lingered a head of her as she studied her fingers that lay empty before her, her gaze slowly lifted to the other female and in wonder glimpsed upon the other’s form.

“Hey!” She growled as she noticed her hide belt and knife dangling from the other’s fingers. She continued to growl softly as she picked herself up and stood before the other female. This other was fast, talented, and much more experienced in the way of thieving then she was. The she wolf was new to it, and most of her success was pure luck, now it had seemed that her luck had failed her.

She looked upon the other, heard her laugh, and then tilted her head. “Deirdre,” she offered the fellow thief, “Now give me back my knife or else.” She warned, she may not have been a good thief but she wouldn’t hesitate to kill if it need be. She was a fighter, and though the young creature before her was most likely much more agile then she, the wolf had no doubt in her mind that if it came to a fight she would devour the small female. There was no need for bloodshed however, and thus the she wolf was going to play it nice. So she lifted her hand out to accept the blade back, "Please." She spoke, "return the knife."

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