Alligators in Canada
As stated before, Elias is a local to the New Orleans-Haitian-Jamaican ports so he would be familiar with the routine merchant ships, and could probably prearrange passage with ease, or just wait it out until a ship arrives. Finding a ship and a captain willing to take on an alligator in Barbados might be more difficult, but if Elias were to contact one of those same routine merchant captains and use him to prearrange a voyage with one of the other merchant captains local to Barbados, I don’t see any difficulties arising. In the same tone Elias himself could make a round trip to Barbados to arrange passage, but it might offer more complications and would most probably take longer.
In terms of wealthiness I did not mean currency. Elias has access to a variety of eccentric goods and contacts that might not be available to other ordinary luperci. He was also a very prominent member of New Orleans’s occult society, and possessing the traits of a mystic he might also offer his knowledge in charms and spells to further sway the captain, particularly if he is superstitious. Although I must admit that I plan to have Elias more infamous then famous, so there will probably be a large amount of negativity going against him as well if his identity is ever discovered.

In terms of the alligator eating the crew, as you yourself pointed out it has intelligence. What reason would it have to do such a thing other than if another individual was attacking it or purposefully thought to impose harm? Is it not just as likely that any other passengers on the ship might be just as dangerous if not more so? We can thank Haley for eliminating the starvation aspect, although I really don’t think it is that much of a problem. If the vessel is heading towards Freetown it is most likely a merchant ship, and if it is any sort of decent merchant ship it will make at least one stop along the way to exchange goods. Elias can use this time to restock for his companion or even simply hunt, and the only plausible situation I can see in which the ship would run low on food is if it got caught in a series of hurricanes and somehow got blown off course, in which case food is the least of the crew’s worries.

Even taking into account that the travel to Anathema might take up to two to three days, Elias can still construct fires and wrap the alligator in cloth to help it survive exposure to the cold. Also, in terms of food it may be uncomfortable but not impossible for the alligator to abstain from eating for such a short time. Will it may certainly be simpler for Elias to bring a baby crocodile, it is conceivable to bring an adult one up if one is willing to spend the proper amount of time necessary to arrange it. Also, as a side note, in terms of age alligators outlive luperci, so I see no reason why that should come into play.


Thank you for the additional information, that really solved a lot of the flaws with my plan. I also vaugely remember hearing something about that but sadly I had forgotten,

@Everyone Else

Thank you for the encouragement and advice, I owe a large part of composing this plan to the comments I recieved here.

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