A Good Man Goes To War

Word Count » 000 OOC

angels watching over me with smiles upon their face

As a positive response followed, she smiled shyly. 'Oh, that's good' she mused her hands fiddling with Keshi's mane. When she was invited to join him she hesitated for a moment. 'Ummm...' Eris had told her to beware men and strangers, but this one seemed harmless. Her knife was safe in her bag, which in turn sat at her lap, she would be fine, wouldn't she? Keshi lowered his head to inspect the foreign creature. While in Salsola he happily bowed his head the the stronger horse's outside he could act as tough as he wished with no backfiring. He brayed fiercely, giving a strong warning that he wasn't a pushover. But nothing more. As Odessa petted his neck, he calmed down. Though granted the girl was grateful for the protection.

As Frodo kicked his horse closer and winked she blushed, smiling at him shyly before giving him her name, 'Odessa' she uttered softly,letting her hand drift up to brush her fringe away. 'Is it far away?' she asked gazing into the tree's, after all she had no idea where on earth she was. It was fortunate that Frodo was here also otherwise she would have been stuck in the mirror maze of trees that surrounded her.

'cause I have made it through this far in an unforgiving place
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