Bullets catch in her teeth
<style type="text/css">.Leon01 b {color:#FFFFFF;} .Leon01 i {color:#5f5fab;} .Leon01 i2 {color:#9da1ff;}</style>
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Dear sweet lord, Sophie was so adorable. He found himself laughing and chuckling at her cute puppy antics, the way she giggled and squirmed happily in his arms. His curled tail wagged hard behind him as he finally sat on his legs, cuddling her and trying to get her to laugh some more. He gently kissed her nose before licking her chin and nibbling playfully at her neck and chest, then he tickled her belly with one hand while holding her securely with his other arm to make sure she didn't wiggle out of his grip. Although she wouldn't hurt herself if she slipped, she'd just fall into his lap. After he was done tickling her belly with his hand, he lowered his nose to her tummy and blew into it and made cute sounds as he did so.

"That's good," he finally said into her stomach. He then attacked her face gently again, nibbling at her cheek and then playing with her little curly tail and tiny little feet. She was rather small for her age, even at two months-- Boothe was already bigger than her. Leon could tell she'd probably always remain small, but he wasn't assuming that. He would hunt plenty for the three kids and make sure they got plenty to eat so they could grow. Maybe once she had a steady, healthy diet she'd begin growing very fast. He chuckled at her, quietly and deeply into her ear to tickle it before he licked the floppy ear, grinning now.

Leon speaks Trigger Speaks


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