Bullets catch in her teeth

Sophie Hughes
Ooc stuffs.
Word Count → 222

Her squeals only grew in volume while Leon played with her, and she struggled wildly in his arms, her grin almost manic. She loved this game, truly; it tickled her outsides and her insides, made her feel warm and safe and loved, and she never wanted to stop playing. Whenever his face came close enough she snapped and licked, attempting to catch one of his ears or maybe the end of his nose, but she missed every time, not really trying her best. He held her firmly, but securely, and not at all like Daire used to; she felt safe in her arms, and it didn't hurt at all, something which was new and exciting to the small girl. She thought she could like being held, if it never hurt.

She twisted her head around to watch him play with her tail, wagging it happily and barking at him, but when he touched her feet something strange happened; she kicked. Feeling somewhat bewildered, she squirmed some more, and then lifted her head as he touched her feet again--and once again, almost as if she couldn't help it, her legs kicked out again. She wiggled her toes, spreading them wide, and then looked up at Leon, her face a picture of surprise. Again! She demanded, and stretched her legs out, squirming happily.

Life goes on, it gets so heavy
The wheel breaks the butterfly

template by revo, stock by sie! <3


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