Thick as Thieves

OOC: again sorry for the lateness. Smile / WC: 328

The she wolf took a few steps and reached to lift her blade from the ground, while she kept her gaze upon the other female. “Yes, Deirdre.” She repeated her name as she stood up and tied the hide around her waist centering the knife in its right place against her hip, “Why hide it?” She asked offering the younger female a smirk, “there’s no point.” She stated calmly and then spoke again, “I just don’t care if they know my name or not.”

Deirdre eyed the other female her ears twitched as the other sized her up, what did the other see? The wolf tilted her head, and held back a soft chuckle when the thief offered her, her help. In truth the female wolf was doing quite fine, hunting was never a problem, despite being an armature in optime form she was a master in hunting and surviving in lupus form. She was no scrawny mongrel. Though know that she thought back on it, as she remembered gazing upon her self in a reflective surface, her form did look quiet thin, but she just assumed it was her new form.

The wolf was healthy, strong; there was muscle under the thick fur that covered her body. Her tail swatted the air behind her; it was just the strangeness of the two-legged form Deirdre now wore. “Do I look helpless?” She asked not meaning to sound rude.

The she wolf then sighed and scratched the back of her neck, “It’s no big deal.” She stated calmly as her wild gray gaze stationed itself upon the young female, “I was bound to run out of luck at some point.” She offered the other an in-between of a smile and a smirk, “Thieving isn’t my greatest talent…though I do find it.” She paused, “exciting?” She then fell silent for a moment her head tilting slightly to the right, “and what do you have in mind?” The she wolf asked.

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