Hello Again, My Friend

In the morn Anu had pulled the robe over her head, the hood folded down her back. Its sleeves were wide, and hung over her hands to keep them warm. Her foot paws were covered, and a rope and tassel were tied around her waist to keep her from swimming among the flowing fabric. Her thin form looked meek and humbled by the garment, but it wasn't discretion that she sought. Only warmth against the winter wind. Her hands lay folded, the sleeves covered the chilled paws, as she walked through the Manor's grounds. Oak accompanied her, and they spoke of the day's tasks and of his status in the pack. He wanted more, eager to gain his rank and find a path among the Dreamers. Yet she could tell that he wished to roam the free lands and explore the world beyond. She encourage such wanderings, but always reminded him to return and that his responsibility would be to his pack. First and foremost.

The mother and son walked until a sound was heard, a voice Anu knew well that sought her audience. The rust and cream hued boy looked to her, wondering if she wished for him to bring the caller to her. But Anu refused the offer and began the walk to the borders. She took her time, knowing the young alpha would gain from a lesson in patience. Just as any alpha would.

Welcome Jazper. she greeted when the large dark male was in sight. She stood before him, robed and with her hands folded beneath the sleeves of the covering habit.


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