happyhappy joining thread!

out of character
Bleh, sorry for the wait for this. x_X'

in character

Patience was truly a virtue, either given through hereditary or developed through time-staking nurture. For the ebony male, it was definitely a combination of both. As he stood underneath the blinding summer heat, tail tucked neatly against his hindquarters, ears flatten, his head lowered to the ground once again. He watched the soft, lilting breeze take the words that erupted straight from him dance across the terrain as he shifted limbs and head, casting a slightly worried jade eye over his shoulder. He didn't quite know if Conri would be here soon or later, but nonetheless, as long as his older brother was alive and well, he knew he had the time to bid.

It was the feeling though, that first claimed his attention. His back stiffened as his hackles unconsciously raised, some called it that sixth sense, ESP, or whatever paranormal experiences that would shadow over the real realm, yet within a matter of seconds Khaden could feel his body tense. His head shifted again, following with delicate features the direction of the very tangible sense, wet nose put into performance - but the boy didn't need it for long.

It was never hard to distinguish his brother, those same jade eyes seemed to echo across the family line, dull fire crept through his magnificent coat, and that same look, and that same voice - the voice he had memorized as a puppy. Khaden's name was clear, keen, but at the same time muddled, riddled with the anxiety and disbelieve that this scene was unfolding right before him, and it wasn't long at all until the slippery downhill slope of control was out of the boy's grasp. "Conri. Conri, I'm... I'm back." And in an instant, he was truly back again, he was back again, and he could do naught but sit hard on the ground, his tail in a ready thump thump, as a slow, but anxious smile spread against his thick black muzzle.


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