Hidden Shadows
He watched her through shadowed golden eyes, a smile on his lips. Her teasing made him chuckle. "A very attractive female at that, too." He gave her a roguish wink, his tail wagging slowly. As she adjusted the pants, he couldn't help but to follow the movement. His gaze traveled back up her body, a warmth in his approving and amused gaze. In some ways he was very new to this game. And in some ways he was very skilled. Mostly, the male was new to this side of adolescence and therefore, sexuality.

And yet her words about playing warmed his insides, and he chuckled again. She came out to play? That was an obvious come-on. His molten amber eyes glittered with heat for a moment as he responded, "Got any games you enjoy in particular?" Oh, he knew what he wanted to hear from her about it. Again, thoughts of Ayasha, his sweet angel, drifted away on the heat that grew inside of him.

Guess the boy took after his mother even more than his father knew. Kira had been a big one for intimacy and pain being deeply mingled, the two indistinguishable to her. In his way, Liam knew that the more someone hurt you physically, the more they cared. And yet, his heart honestly only belonged to Ayasha. He'd share his body with anyone who knew the way to ask, but his love, his heart, was fully Ayasha's.

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