A brand new hook to hang your hat
So sorry for the wait on this! I have had no internet for ages and then I have been trying to get things sorted for when Soran joins New Dawn, I hope you've had a lovely Christmas.

Soran nodded as the young coywolf explained that the wolves had not been aggressive towards the coyotes, that they simply did not like scavengers, that made sense, any wolf would not like others roaming around taking food that in their mind belonged to them. Soran did not really think that all coyotes were scavengers, but perhaps she was wrong, perhaps that was why the Infernian's had attacked Syemv all of those years ago, perhaps they had thought that there would be tastier morsels to gather in the pirate's lands. Maybe not of course, maybe they were simply aggressive, Hollow had been there after all, he was very good at twisting things to cause tension, to make wolves hate one another, perhaps whispering enough poisonous words in the coyote's ears had been the trigger for all of the violence that had happened. In that case the coyotes had certainly been aggressive, they had been merciless and it had been a dreadful time for the pirate pack, they had lost their home, loved ones and almost all of their possessions, it was not hard to see why Soran was distrustful of coyotes, she could never quite bring herself to forgive Inferni for its misdeeds against her and those she cared for. She looked at the young female, a small forced smile crossing her lips.
"I hope that they were not too cruel to you, why did your pack scavenge, surely there were enough of you to hunt?" The lady asked, her smile becoming more relaxed as her curiosity bubbled to the surface once more.

Soran was sure that this girl would be very good travelling company, in fact she was quite looking forward to the journey that they would be taking together should everything go to plan. She smiled again as she thought on it, it seemed that she would have some very good stories to share, perhaps the pair would be able to keep one another entertained for a long time, telling one another of their adventures and journeys, they had both travelled a long way, surely there would be many good tales to tell. The girl then explained that she had never told anyone that she could shift, that she had simply run away as soon as she had discovered that she could, a small wave of sadness for the girl washed over the dark female, how awful it must have been to feel stuck in a situation like that. Her ears dropped with sadness a little for the girl, to feel that she could not confide in anyone must have been terrible for her.
"Why did you not tell anyone Terra? Were you sure that they would not understand? Sometimes wolves... and coyotes alike can surprise you. What would have happened if they had not been able to handle the news well?" Soran asked, bubbling with questions, feeling sad for the young girl.


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Table made by the wonderful Vannah <3

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