Bullets catch in her teeth

Word Count → 226 :: Out of Character text.

Sophie had never heard the words "I love you" before; not from her mother, definitely not from her father, and not from Boothe, simply because he'd never heard them, either. They didn't know such words existed, and so she was somewhat confused as Leon spoke them to her, but as he continued she thought she could wrap her head around the concept. "Love you! Love broofer!" She yipped happily, and wiggled until she was curled up tight against Leon's chest, capturing her own tail between her front paws and pulling the usually curled limb so that it lay across her stomach and she could suck the tip into her mouth, gazing up at him with wide eyes.

Love was a funny concept, she thought. It meant "safe" and "happy" and "forever", and it probably meant all sorts of other things, too. When she said she loved her brother, she meant exactly what he'd told her; she'd be there to keep him happy, and--when she was old enough to follow through on her promise--safe, too. And she meant she'd do it forever, until sky fell and the sun stopped rising and setting; until she was as old as Faffer--though she hoped not nearly as mean.

When she said she loved him, she was making a promise. And insofar, Sophie had never broken a promise.

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