happyhappy joining thread!
I'm glad he's keeping you interested. ;D You play him so well. X3

Conri wouldn't blame them for any ill feelings toward their mother, whether or not he shared those feelings. All that Dhalia and Khaden had known, at least in his head, was abandonment. First their mother left them, Miss Phasma had passed them on shortly after that, and then Conri and Naniko had been their sole providers. Their mother had returned though, only to leave once more. He knew the hurt all to well, Soran had left him on more than one occasion, but he could never find it in himself to be angry at her. He understood, in some odd way, why she had up and disappeared, even if he didn't really understand.

"Naniko is..is doing well.." He hesitated only a moment amidst his words, contemplating whether or not he should go in to everything in that moment. So much had happened, so much bad had happened, but he didn't want to ruin the mood. Khaden would have been an Uncle. Would have been, but Conri wasn't sure if he needed to know that right then. All that really mattered at that moment, he decided, was that Khaden had returned and seemed to be doing well.

"You seem to have done fine for yourself also..." He commented then, noting the fact that his brother didn't seem injured or malnourished, which he was thankful for. He and Soran had returned, all of which seemed like miracles, and it only left one question to be answered. One person unaccounted for. "What about Dhalia?" His voice was hesitant once more, afraid to hear the answer. Maybe she was lost or something worse had happened. Maybe she wasn't far behind, intending to return home also.


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