happyhappy joining thread!
Conri knew that the time would come for him to tell his brother of everything that had happened, he didn't mind it either, though he did feel as if the bad things needed to be saved for another time. If the young Leader could have it his way, his brother wouldn't have to face anything bad at all, be within his own life or hearing about the lives of others, but Conri knew that simply wasn't possible. Just like with their mother, he felt the need to protect and shield his brother from anything and everything possible.

Khaden's words about his sister her Conri in such an odd fashion that it caused him to freeze, brows raised and quite obviously confused. As he recalled, Dhalia had meant the world to Khaden and it was quite odd to not see the two together, even for a short span of time. "I hope she's okay..." It was all he could manage, jade eyes searching his brother's face for some kind of hint to a more clear answer. Something had caused one of them to leave the other and he couldn't be sure which it was. Their sister had always been outspoken and, from what he could recall from her younger days, the 'leader' of the two. Perhaps she had sent Khaden away?

Pulling away from the subject, at least for the time, Conri settled his rear to the ground and began to speak once more. "Since the other lands burned, we've barely been here for three months and a War has already started. A pack called Dahlia de Mai is now going at it with Inferni.." And so had his own pack, almost. "Naniko was able to agree to a truce with the coyotes though, so we are not involved. Still..if you see any of them, be careful." First and foremost was the safety of his family, no matter if they had a truce with the coyotes or not. "Naniko, she'll be happy to see you. If you planned to stay, anyways.." Was he just passing through?


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