Escape Artist
Sorry this took so long. I'm assuming that you have Dalgina as the same size/age she would be in the actualy forum in which case you speech wouldn't be as good as that. Guide This might help you get a better grasp of how she would speak at certain ages.

A lovely smile crossed the face of the hybrid with the blackened muzzle as her third oldest child flung herself towards her. Jace laughed as Dalgina attempted to lick her face and lowered herself down so she could indeed do that, sending her own loving licks towards the black girl child as she wriggled and squirmed about in the manner than children did. She smiled letting her pride show through as her child returned herself to the patch of sunlight she had found herself.

"Yes it is. Not as pretty as you though dear." She pulled herself up to her knees and then rested back on them content to watch the child play. In others she would have considered the behavior moronic and unneeded but for some reason she could not think the same of her child, everything she did was pretty much perfect in Jace's eyes. A delighted laugh as Dalgina attempted to catch the dust that floated around, this house was old and as such it had a lot of dust. She gave her daughter a reassuring pat on the head, combing fingers through her midnight fur,

"I could think so. It is much too small to catch. And probably doesn't taste very nice." Here she pulled a face and stuck her tongue out. She didn't expect her to understand everything she said, she was still just a baby really but Jace's face might give away her meaning.

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