Lights in the sky

Word Count » 191 :: Late January Mid Canada somewhere. Since winter is the best time to see the Borealis and alaska and canada are good places to see it. Also going off the idea of them having pups. so here goes...

Amaranth laid there talking to them and snuggling the two children. She found herself codling them and wishing that Niro had been there. She was so happy though that she only had two healthy children. None that were dead none that she had failed. she licked the girl and then the boy and smiled. "Daddy should be here soon." She said looking around. A den a hole in the ground that she called home and would for a while.

She looked out on to the night sky what she could see. she was waiting for Niro. And there he was her wild wolf. She smiled looking at him. "Niro" She said nearly breathless. She felt so at peace looking at him. Her big bulky body keeping the two warm and safe.

"Two, they're perfect. A little girl and a little boy. I did not name them for there father was not here.
She said nuzzling him. What shall we name them? she asked looking to the night sky that was beginning to fill with color. It was so pretty. she loved it out here. the aurora borealis was just so amazing.

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