Seeing Red Again
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She lays down on the sidewalk
Never very analytical
She is something simply beautiful
Re-appear when you feel magical
WC :: +280 OOC :: Blah

Aeron stood there with her arms crossed she waited for him to say something she wanted to be back in bed. This was the worst time for her, she just didn’t want to deal with it. Aeron chuckled to herself as she listened to him. He wouldn’t come here just to bug her? Well that was good news. She sighed as she looked at him. Maybe she should have suggested the hotel not being near the training area.

Aeron looked at him and nodded. ”I can train you. Though you know Alaki was the head of warriors before his promotion. So you may want to see him though I specialize in training others so this is lucky for you. she said as she smiled. Looking at the weapon he had now she wondered where he got it from.

”Looks like they are in good condition though the next time you want a weapon come see me. I have connections that are able to get custom weapons. She stated smiling. She then stepped away from her home and moved towards the open training area.

She pulled out her knives and looked at him. So now you want defense training and you want to learn to deflect knives with those?” She questioned as she looked at him.

To back in the days when we were young
When everything was like a loaded gun
Ready to go off at any minute
Yeah you know we're gonna win again

Template by Revo Modifications by Nat and Marie <3


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