I'm at the edge of a dream
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I’m a jackass, I’m sorry.
sosu: 277

Maggie furrowed her brow intently, listening to this fair-eyed woman speak. She seemed spacy and a little disconnected from reality, or something… Maggie wasn’t quite sure what was wrong. Magnolia bit her lip when her siblings were mentioned. This woman probably was speaking the truth.. but she looked so different from her siblings that Maggie still didn’t believe her one hundred percent unless someone were to validate her claims. You mean Salvia? And Anathema? the family member asked, curious. Why didn’t she want to talk to Salvia? She wasn’t the nicest creature Maggie had ever spoken to, but after her own run-in with her sister, she couldn’t imagine how that bond wouldn’t be there regardless of a separation. Perhaps something darker was lying there, between this woman and the jade-eyed woman that Sirius loved so very much.

At the mention of another pack, Maggie’s ears flattened and her eyes narrowed again. What pack are you in? she seemed too nervous to hang out with the coyotes, or anyone at all really, so Magnolia had no idea where this girl might hail from. I’m sorry my friend, but this pack is very secretive. I’m the pack’s scout, and as per my guidelines, I can’t let you in here unless I call one of your parents, or even Pandemic if you wish, to make sure your story is true. Would your family have ANY objection whatsoever with you being here? Because if so, I can't let you in. Magnolia wasn’t about to stick out her neck for this feeble, nervous woman if it would jeopardize her job.

Image by Sean McMenemy, table by Tammi!

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