Escape Artist

Again she laughed as Dalgina giggled, happy that her child was happy. For a mother it was pretty much the best thing you could receive, for your child to be happy whilst within your own company was a joy and a gift. The scars on her face stretched and distorted as she smiled widely, showing off a flash of teeth this time as well as her child proclaimed that she was wrong and that dust had no taste.. well she was right there as dust didn't taste of much really. She continued her combing of the black princess' soft puppy fur.

Her daughter was quite the artists always drawing things into the dirt and dust with her paws and nose, it made cleaning her a hell of a job after an entire day of this and so Dalgina had been delegated to a routine of cleaning intended to keep her mostly clean at all times so that muck didn't built up. Mahn. The word sent both feelings of contentedness through her and those of sorrow, her own Mahn was lost, taken by the cruel word and fates. Jace believed she would have to wait for her own death to see her beloved mother again, the turned her blackened muzzle down to Dagina,

"What would you like me to sing for you my princess?" Her grey scaled hands were kept busy all through out her speaking, combing through the dusty fur of her little one tenderly.

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