Stalking Prey

Big Grin

He hadn't really had much to do lately. Just lounging around in his pack, hunting occasionally, Frodo had become somewhat lazy. And then he remembered Terra.

Having it been three weeks since they'd last met, he had hurridly packed up courage for the meeting and then had scurried away. He was a bit late when he arrived on the edge of the reserve, cautious and sniffing everything in site, looking for any scent of Terra. It was still early in the day, but he couldn't help but wonder about the younger female, and wonder if she was alright, had been eating well, and would have remembered like he had. Sure enough, soon came her wolfish, but more coyote-like howl. He smiled at the call of the hybrid and tilted back his head, emitting a low, mournful song that matched hers in the way it summoned for the hunt but there was a hint of sadness in it. He wasn't nesscaracily despressed at the moment, but every since a couple of months in solitude and longing, he had been broken, and since tragic events had passed, his howls were usually full of built up emotion.

He was in his secui form already for the moment. Frodo had fattened up among his days in the pack and was no longer gaunt and restless. He was still skinny, but now a healthy skinny, with muscle and an altogether lean, athletic structure. The whip bruises on his back from where he had been beaten were all but faded away, and his eyes were brighter and greener than ever. He sniffed out Terra and soon there she was, quite near where they had their first hunting lesson. He noted she was in secui too, and was glad of it as well. His pack-brother Light had showed him many a trick in secui. Terra, my friend! he exclaimed, bounding over to her with nuzzles and play-bites, as only a wolf could greet a friend. He valued their friendship, and was content with the way they went about things. Anxious for their next lesson, he first noted she seemed more well fed than last time, and attempted to make a summary of her skill before they moved on for the lesson. Doin' alright? Practicin' good, skipper?

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