Lesson Time
Kiara seemed pleased by Dalgina's grasp on the situation. She began to circle the small pup. Tumbling Dalgina tried to keep up. Her paws were still too large for her, an indication of how big she would be when older. For now though, it was a hindrance. The wolf growled, causing Dalgina's ears to flatten. She wasn't truly frightened, hearing the note of play in her voice, but her instincts still let her crouch down lower. Kiara pounced forward. Screaming Dalgina turned to flee. Her soft pads raced across the floor. Kiara managed to grab her though.

In an instant she went flying through the air, flipped onto her back. Dalgina laughed as Kiara nuzzled her belly, tickling her. Uselessly her feet pounded against empty air. Stop! Barely able to breath from laughing so hard Dalgina squirmed around until she managed to slip out. Eager to pay her new friend the same courtesy Dalgina danced around until she was underneath the wolf's belly, far enough so that Kiara's jaws wouldn't reach her. She pounced, trying to tackle Kiara's front paw. From there she'd take the enemy down.

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