Sun and moon

Imhotep had spent the afternoon gathering a few things for his wife. He had not really tried to make the woman pregnant nor had she really gone into heat. He looked at one of his servants a motioned for them to go and get Fatin. He stood watching the sun set and watching those who worked for him finish preparing the main courtyard.

Golden eyes looked at everyone gather and finish the things needed. He looked down at the necklace he had picked for her. The gold chain held a gold ankh he stepped down towards all the others as he moved to where he would be seated. He did not sit he awaited his queen to arrive.

A group of dancers moved by him as they bowed and moved towards where the music and dance out come from. He watched waiting for his queen to walk towards him from their room. Music began and the woman practiced a bit not moving far from the musicians. He wondered where Isis was though it did not surprise him.

The Jackal woman walked up the middle and smiled bowing. "Your queen is on her way." She said as she joined the other dancers and glanced at him giving him a heated look. She missed being in his bed at night and she could tell that he didn't think of her much now. Clapping her hands to get the girls attention she spoke to them.

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