pyramids of light
That's cool with me! ^u^
WC: 602

Lunar orbs cast their gaze to the earth, but her strong periphery watched earthen-hued Salvia The slave seemed to watch the lynx intently, but her attention was far from the feline companion of her master. The wolf did not like the cat. She was not fond at all, yet she did nothing to harm the creature for her strange and perhaps misplaced respect for Salvia herself. A hardened gaze was perhaps all the Korean could give the feline-- no words were ever exchanged, nor were growls or any actions, whether belligerent or amiable. In all honesty, the foreign female was unsure as to how Salvia viewed her. As a slave, TaeKyung understood that she was mere property, but was she beneath the lynx as well? The black wolf was unsure, but in the end it did not matter. Although she was curious, the ranking between herself and the lynx was irrelevant. Her life's purpose now was to serve Salvia. Salvia had given to her both life and permission to train. That was enough. Always the shattered mind remembered the 'kindness' of her master. White orbs moved briefly to watch the feline, as if she offered her thoughts aloud, and then she returned her gaze to the feet of earthen hue.

Upon receiving Salvia's thanks, the Korean slave simply bowed and was silent. And when Salvia commented upon her well being, she responded with a quiet, "Thank you-- I good eat Salvia food." She referred to, of course, the meals that she had had Siv Helsi prepare. The dark fae knew that without orders from her master, she would not have eaten. It was frustrating that she was not permitted to hunt, but at least food was given. For that, she was thankful. The portions of food had not been of plenty, but the portions of food had been enough to sustain her active lifestyle. And that was enough. Then Salvia turned, commenting that she would now return to her home. TaeKyung did not miss the silent command for her to follow. Silently, the enslaved martial artist fell in line, her paws moving quietly in the snow. Her breath rose in faint clouds upon the cool air, but invisibility was not her priority.

It grew apparent to the young enslaved woman that the passing of her first year would soon come to pass. Soon, she would reach maturity; however, that shattered mind, without prompting, would not remember what passing into womanhood would entail. Indeed, she had noticed changes in her body, the filling of a slim, feminine form bound by strong sinew, but without the reminders of society, the importance of gender difference would not be significant to the slave. Was was significant to the Korean woman was the cultural ritual-- the eating of seaweed soup. The black fae did not think that such a thing would be allowed for her, and so she hesitated to ask this 'unnecessary' thing. And so she was silent as they traveled to the cabin.

As the cabin came into view, the dark fae was reminded of her hauntings. He came in the darkest hours of the night when the shadows were blackest. She could see Him only rarely, but always she felt His presence as if he clung to her neck with cold and deadly claws. Her thick, winter coat bristled slightly at the thought, but she only turned to her master. "I guard home. No danger." She wished to convey that no trouble had occurred in the absence of her master, and that she had been diligent in her services even with her superior's absence.

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