I'm a a loss for life
OOC--Set sometime later in the month due to other threads and time it takes to get there 309


Aeron found herself traveling, as the pack's andras she had more duty and she took it seriously. She also found herself training and gathering more of an armada of animals. Each one had uses that she needed in her job. She looked around she patted Elzar and encouraged him to move along.

She smiled as she glanced to her side to feel the newest addition to the team become edgy on her shoulder. The crow was not something that aeron had wanted but she needed eyes in the skies and something that could move messages quickly to Alaki and Naniko.

Huffing she looked around and found herself alone. She looked at her crow friend. it still needed a name and she had been learning Japanese from alaki. She thought about naming the thing something fancy with that. She looked at it and thought. "mmm I have the perfect name for you Shou. It means to soar or to fly." Though currently she was training it to stick by her. So it was tied to short rope and treated for sticking close.

Moving on she watched Shou and thinking of what she should do today. She sighed as she looked around and found herself somewhere that she wasn't sure about. "Shou show me what you can do fly' She said as she lengthened the rope and allowed him to go higher. She enjoyed the work she was doing and training something that had lived around anathema for some time it spoke broken English and it was enough for basic communication and warnings.

Shou circled for a moment and returned to her and landed on her shoulder. "Nothing" The crow squawked it knew a very small vocab and most of the things she had to gather through motions. She gave him a piece of bread and smiled. "Thank you." She said.

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