Seeing Red Again
206 WC

Aeron broke out laughing she found it funny that he was creeped out and entertained. It allowed her to get under his skin and allowed her to see what he was really like. She liked learning the weakness in him. She liked how she was able to get him to flick a switch that seemed to get him to come out of the shell he was in.

The defensive had not always been aeron's strong suit but she found herself enjoying being on this end. He made her enjoy being in Anathema, she had been so bored but now she was having the time of her life. He came at her and she could see he was still holding back to a degree but that was ok with her. She had a good stance but it was only enough to keep her from falling over.

Her footing slipped as she slid across the dirt and snow. She smiled as she rolled her shoulder and re-gripped her sword and smiled. reaching behind her she grabbed her knife that she had thrown earlier. She pulled it out and gave it a good throw towards him. He had to be able to be on his feet at all times.

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