I'm a a loss for life
OOC: No table thread! Thread is dated the 20th. Word Count: 614

Slowly but surely the blind wolf was expanding her boarders. She tried to travel the Ethereal Eclipse as often as possible, hoping that her familiarity with the land and the forest would give her the edge she needed to hunt successfully. So far she only managed to succeed twice, and the first time she had a lot of help from Light. The other time had been a rabbit that Fawkes had scared into Hotaru's waiting jaws so it didn't really count. The grey wolf was desperate to succeed. Not only did she want to feed herself, but she wanted to show Light that she could be useful. Light always said she would improve and Hotaru felt his confidence in her was not valid. Her carvings were amateurish and her hunting was a failure. Although she could walk around the woods, beech, and pack lands without much trouble she was bound to those locations. Hotaru couldn't travel up to the North by herself or even to the south where Light lived, something she was very upset about.

Hotaru was in optime form, a form she tried to avoid while wandering around in the woods. The only reason why she used the bipedal appearance was because the area she was exploring was brand new to her and it was close to the edges of the Ethereal Eclipse (although she didn't know this). To the blind wolf it seemed like the woods stretched on forever, because even after walking for several hours she still hadn't reached the brink. As Hotaru walked her staff bounced against the ground, it's tip landing in each location were she would step. When the staff wasn't on the ground it hovered mere inches above the surface or trailed off the the sides. Hotaru wanted to avoid tripping or running into things.

High above her Fawkes flew in the air, his large wings spread out allowing the massive bird to glide silently on the thermals. Occasionally he would dip down below the tree line and check on Hotaru to make sure that she hadn't injured herself in any fashion. As Fawkes returned to the open sky after checking on his master for the fourth time that hour the sky wolf spotted a crow flying into the forest. It was a decent sized bird and it wasn't too far away. With quick wingbeats the avian hunter flew after the crow, diving into the forest only a minute after the crow had. Fawkes only had eyes for the smaller black bird and failed to notice what it was perched on. Fawkes's wings were spread and his deadly talons were extended, he was fully intent on killing the crow, until he noticed the coyote it was resting on. Fawkes gave a startled cry and retracted his talons as his wings beat furiously against the air. But his efforts were of no avail and the red bird crashed into the coyote sending him sprawling on the ground, more stunned than injured. Fawkes just laid on his back in the dirt; his wings extended, his talons spread open, and his legs resting against his breast.

As Fawkes flew back above the trees Hotaru could hear the beat of his wings change, their pace increasing, and soon they sound disappeared altogether. Hotaru began to walk a little faster, hoping to at least lesson the distance between them. Suddenly a cry came out and Hotaru's heart jumped into her mouth. Fawkes. Hotaru walked as fast as she could, her staff barely even touching the ground. She hoped and prayed that he was okay. He was her life, even more so than Light. She didn't know what she would do without him.

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