Escape Artist

In the darkness voices awoke the male child of Jace and Temo. Besides him his other two sisters stirred fitfully from his movements. He shushed them gently and slowly moved away from them. His paws made no sound against the floor, he was silent in his movements as he was in his character and personality. He could hear his mother talking in a soft tone to the one missing sibling. Then her loved singing voice floated towards him and he smiled, settling down out of view behind the piece of wood, this was their time to spend together, he wouldn't take their mother's attention away from her.

He listened to her song, entranced by the musical tone of her voice and the lyrics that passed her lips. He mouthed along to the song silently, a ghost in the night. Then the story that came after it, in his mind he could see it all as she described it, the long endless winter and the thick coated white wolves that relied on each other to survive. He could see the shapes of the two formed gods as they grew from their birth almost immediately and became full sized adults. He had a soft spot for stories and fantastical tales. Although the one that Jace was telling now, he believed in completely and truly. The culture of his mother was already a deep rooted thing that was close to his heart.

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