Seeing Red Again

Word Count ::503 Points::5 OOC:: 0.o

After having sent the woman skidding backwards a few feet she was positioned just in front of the tree from before. He watched her give a very sly, mischievous smile before he barely noticed her reaching back behind her; she was quick and way too certain about her motions. By the time he remembered the knife that was stuck there in the tree from earlier, she had thrown it and it was already well on its way toward him. She had to of planned this from the very beginning, strategically putting that knife in the tree. She must have figured the fight would come back to the tree at some point. His eyes went wide, there was no time to think about what to do, and he swung one Kama fast and ferociously, slicing the knife out of mid air. The impact of the two metals created a spark just in front of him, he watched the knife spin and flip out of control away from him. She was sly to say the least, he entirely forgot about the blade stuck in the tree behind her. That was really close, you’re rather sneaky and devious you know that Aeron? Trying to catch me off guard like that, you almost did. He made a little bit of small chit chat with his trainer, trying to keep the air they were breathing friendly.

She wasn’t the only one that could throw a weapon though. The Dasa stared at the small copper and gold colored female, Mido flipped one Kama in his hand a couple times feeling its weight, he wondered how well it might work as a projectile weapon. Feeling confident about the way it rotated in the air he decided to give it a good throw. Rraaah! He threw the scythe shaped mini blade at her with great force, the suns light rapidly flashed off the metal as it went spinning toward her. She could easily dodge the Kama if she just so chose to or she could stop it with her sword. He sprinted as fast as he could after the Kama he threw at the woman hoping to use it as a diversion. With any luck she would be too focused on the Kama, and not be able to react in time to him rushing at her. The ground was littered with the knives she’d thrown at him, he was careful not to step on any of them as he ran. If he could take the reminiscent ex assassin by surprise he could force her to drop her weapon and throw the light weight, then follow up with some serious close range hand to hand combat. He didn’t know how well she might be able handle him being that close to her. She could definitely move faster he, and she had to be more flexible than him too. But he had the power she didn’t and he knew all too well how to incorporate and use his entire body in a fight.

Table by the Mentors!
my avatar is NATalicious

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