I'm a a loss for life

It had never occurred to aeron that the woman coming her way was blind. Though watching as she moved closer it came more to mind. Aeron watched as the girl seemed to look in various directions not really focused on way or the other. This brought aeron's curiosity up. She watched more intently as the woman bent down and patted around looking for her bird. the foolish thing that it was.

Aeron had pretty much ignored it's lowspeach babble. She was slowly beginning to understand the various speeches that were around her. Though she had never spoken to a bird directly she found herself sitting in the trees listening to them. She wanted to know what they were saying and she wanted to learn. So she listened and slowly there were small things that she was able to learn.

"Well consider it his and your lucky day. He tried to make a meal of my crow." she said giving the bird a glare. Shou fluffed his feathers as he let out a squawk. Aeron reached over and gave him a gentle pat. "My name is Aeron, I come from anathema up north." she said as she knelt down to be closer to the woman.

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