I'm a a loss for life
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Talk! Think! Walk!

Word Count:389

The blind wolf's relief at knowing that Fawkes was okay was substantial, although only a small bit of emotion showed on her face. There was also a slight bit of amusement in her swirling emotions at Fawkes story. He, the predator, was simply trying to get a good meal, the crow. Fawkes complained that the black bird sought refuge with the golden coyote, although the prideful hawk left out how he had ended up on the ground. Hotaru was able to guess from the story how it happened and she let out an amused smile when the stranger told pretty much the same story in a shorter amount of time. "So he tells me. Don't worry about you crow, now that he knows it is with you he wont go after it again."

Both Fawkes and Hotaru had listened to the squawking crow and although Hotaru didn't say anything Fawkes retorted with his own cry. It sounded like something of an apology but knowing how narcissistic hawks could get Hotaru doubted it was a complete apology. As the coyote introduced herself Hotaru placed Fawkes on the ground right-side up and listened as he flew into a nearby tree. Her red-tipped ears swiveled, the rusting of a cloak and the slight crunch of the icy ground alliterated her to Aeron's change in position. Fawkes called out from his perch in the tree, telling the coyote to back up. The grey wolf inclined her head a little while flicking her wrist in the air, a polite gesture to the woman and an OK for Fawkes so he would calm down. "It's nice to meet you Aeron of Anathema. I'm Hotaru, an Immaginazione from Cercatori d'Arte. I owe you for taking care of my friend, if there is anything I can do for please let me know."

Anathema, Hotaru had heard little bits of information about the pack, but not enough to tell her anything useful. Just that it was in the north and was known for its members with...questionable backgrounds. Other than that, she knew that the pack had a neutral standing with Anathema. Why one of their members was so far south, Hotaru couldn't guess, but she knew it was in her best interest to get along with the coyote. After all, how well could a blind wolf defend themselves?

Table by Chazza


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