I'm a a loss for life
WC 214

Aeron watched the other bird with golden eyes. She didn't quite like the thing but she would let it live for today. Aeron waved at the stupid thing as it tried to tel her what to do. She was not about to start listening to a bird. Looking at the woman before her aeron smiled.

"Oh wait Cercatori d'Arte, I know of that place I met a tall man by the name of sh...shaw.. of what ever its been a long while. How is the land of d'Arte doing?" She asked looking at her though her suspicions had been fully confirmed the woman was indeed blind.

"I also think a good question is what is a blind woman doing out of her pack lands you could be easy prey." Aeron said worry laced in her voice as she looked at Hotaru. Looking at Shou who seemed to be a bit on edge still with the hawk staring him down.

"I was actually heading to d'Arte in the next few days. I'm working on many things and knew d'arte had some traders." she spoke. She still knew little about the pack but she knew some things from her last encounter there. That man was so nice and why could she not remember his name.

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