I'm a a loss for life
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Talk! Think! Walk!

Word Count: 546

If there was one thing the blind wolf was good at, it was hiding her emotions, unless those emotions were rage or anger. Then Hotaru went off like a firecracker in the dead of night. Luckily, Aeron's questions confused or amused her more than anything else. They were asked like a pro, one who knew what to ask and how to ask it in order for her to get the information she truly desired. What this coyote desired, was difficult to say, although the pack was a good place to start. Hotaru wasn't a pro and couldn't get a handle on her, so she again tried to say as little as possible. Unfortunately, Hotaru knew nothing of a war or The Artists involvement in such conflict. It was Hotaru's impression that they preferred to stay out of such things, although the recent fiasco with Liam sure proved that they were capable of violence.

Hotaru's picture perfect smile stayed on her face like a mask, hiding her confusion, her doubts, and her worries. She said in a polite, yet confident voice, "I wouldn't really know about their involvement in the war, I only recently joined the pack."

Her answer was designed to do two things, show that she couldn't give Aeron the information she desired and give the coyote a false impression about her knowledge of events that transpired in Nova Scotia. Hotaru had only arrived in Nova Scotia a little less than two months ago and even though she lived in close proximity to the area she had spent most of her time trying to learn how to deal with her disability. Even after joining the pack, most of her time was spent relearning the skills she needed to survive.

Once again Hotaru's abilities came into question. To this she said, "Eyesight isn't as important as you might imagine." Hotaru didn't want to give up any information on herself or the pack. The coyote was prying, and Hotaru did her best to answer in polite ways that made sense, yet gave nothing away. The bind woman wasn't really as confident as she made herself out to be. She knew her weaknesses and her flaws, and they were always brought to the forefront of her mind when she ran into some obstacle or cut herself while carving. Still, Aeron didn't need to know that and Hotaru guessed that if she wanted to remain safe she had better appear stronger than she actually was. It was a gamble, but one the grey wolf hoped she could win.

Back to question's about the pack and their answers were hidden from Hotaru. She knew that the pack had many skills such as wood carving, poetry, and music. But the actual nature of these skills had not been revealed to Hotaru. Although many of the pack members proved themselves to be very capable with a carving knife. Still Hotaru worked to answer as best she could in a way that wouldn't reveal to much about the pack to this stranger. "There is a wide range of skills in d'Arte. And besides, art, such as beauty, is in the eye of the beholder." Hotaru put some emphasis on the word "eye," the irony of her statement not lost on the grey wolf.

Table by Chazza


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