I'm a a loss for life

Aeron was trying everything she could just to get some basic details she didn't care so much about the woman as a single she wanted to know things about the pack as a whole but she figured it to be to rude. She was kinda saddened by the fact that she knew nothing of the war. She was hoping that some one who was not in the direct fight would have some more info but it didn't see as that was so. "Oh well if they are fairing well then they survived." She said smiling

She didn't know what the other was thinking and it irked her how vague the woman was being. She wanted info not a prance around. 'Your right art is unique and its beauty interpreted differently. Though thats not what I asked." She said politely. She could never be mean to the woman for she had enough on her plate.

"So does D'Arte have many of various trades, I'm hoping for some leather or cloth." She asked using what she needed as a way to get some more info. She was just trying to do her job. Though she could go and get info from others.

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