Seeing Red Again

Word Count ::349 Points::3 OOC:: -_-

He ran after the Kama, Aeron used her sword to effortlessly deflect the twirling sickle. The Kama he had thrown distracted the golden girl just long enough for him to close in on her. It was hard for him to believe that he’d actually caught her off guard. The half and half tucked the other Kama into the back of his pants. Unable to avoid him, she dropped her sword; it looked as though she decided to take the hit by blocking herself. The defense she had taken against him wasn’t going to help the vixen out too much in this situation though. The males’ body collided with hers, she grunted at the point of impact. He wrapped his grizzly like arms around the copper toned woman and closed them tightly in hopes of preventing her from getting away. It didn’t seem possible for her to escape his grasp; her hands had been pinned between her and the Dasas’ chest. They hit the tree hard, causing it to rattle slightly.

What the multicolored male intended to do to the ex assassin might come as a shock to her. Mido’s bright idea was to throw the woman, he figured she would probably land safe, sound and undeterred anyhow. With Aeron still tightly wrapped in his arms he took a couple steps back and turned. Raaah! He threw the golden girl with all the ferocity he could summon. He watched her fly through the air; she tweaked and adjusted her body easily while in motion readying herself to make a graceful landing.

He chased after her as fast as he could, she may have been lithe, agile and cunning, but he was not going to make this easy for her in any way. Once she had touched down he was going to be up in her face again. This time he would be throwing punches and kicks like it was no ones business, he wouldn’t tackle her for a second time though. She was really going to have her hands full once she decided to re-grace the earth with her presence.

Table by the Mentors!
my avatar is NATalicious

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