I'm a a loss for life
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Talk! Think! Walk!

Word Count: 406

The two women clashed like titans, both of them strong and stubborn. It was clear that Hotaru would not willingly give up information on her pack and it was clear that Aeron would not stop asking for it. However, Hotaru was determined to hold fast and keep her secrets to herself. She tried her best to look competent and powerful, but the truth was she didn't know a lot about Cercatori d'Arte. She was still fairly new and kept mostly to herself. It actually astonished the blind woman how ignorant she was about her own pack. Hotaru had decided to try better, to learn more about the pack and it's members. She needed to become a true member, not just the wolf on the sidelines.

Luckily the coyote didn't push Hotaru for more information regarding the war that had apparently happened. She let the topic die with a friendly voice and a simple comment. Hotaru nearly sighed with relief until Aeron called Hotaru on her bluff. It seemed as if the second topic was not to be dropped as easily as the first. Hotaru continued to smile, but one the inside she was panicking slightly. How could she get around this situation without digging herself into a bigger hole and without giving out too much information on the Artists. "Yes, I suppose it's not. There are some traders within the pack, but I could not tell you all of their professions. As I said earlier, I am new. And besides, it's not like I can read the shop signs. But I'm sure if you traveled to the pack lands you can find at least something to suit your purposes." Hotaru hoped that her answer was appropriate. She kept her poker face intact, but her heart pounded inside her chest. Hopefully the coyote would be satisfied with her words

While the two women talked Fawkes sat in one of the lower tree branches. Despite Shou's worry, Fawkes wasn't really all that interested in the crow anymore. Once he found out that the crow was off the menu it almost ceased to exist in his mind. To pass the time while he waited for the canines to finish talking he decided to groom his feathers. With great care he took the feathers individually into his powerful beak to clean them. After all, it was important to keep his fluffy down and flight feathers free of dirt and wrinkles.

Table by Chazza


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