If you ever leave me baby,

Omni appeared sleepy still, the hybrid felt guilty to have made her get up. That moment with her in his arms was special, breathing in her sweet scent he gently held her. It was her to gently pull away, he didn't mind but hoped that this wouldn't be the last hug of the day. She offered to help with the food, and it wasn't rejected but he lightly and teasingly said "I've been wanting to serve you breakfast in bed...But I see I can't now." He laughed and came up behind her giving her a hug then using his hands to sort out the mixed herbs by scent in front of both of them. "These. These are great." A pot sat nearby and the sorrel toned male pulled away from Omni once more to retrieve it, fill it with water and throw the herbs in. There was some extra meat in a jar, he scooped it out and plopped it into the pot. "I am not a good cook." The spices mixed well with the fairly fresh meat, the scent was delicious and it was all he could do but pick up a piece of deer meat and pop it into his mouth. He chewed on it and before Omni could say anything he gently plucked a cube for Omni and passed it to her. "See? Good right?"

He touched her cheek with one finger before quietly stating "You're so beautiful." This was coming new to the man, the feelings and the touches of affection. He had been wanting to ask her something important for a very long time, something lifelong, his nervousness kept Jacinto from trying. But soon...His courage would have to shine through. "Omni...I know we haven't known eachother for long...And in this short while I have grown attached to you. I care for you a lot." Pausing for a second Jacinto let a hand run nervously through his hair. "So I've been thinking. I-uh want to be your mate...And I'm wondering if you'd want to be mine." It was a tense moment, his idiotic fumbling with words kept the russet man a little awkward. "I'm sorry...I can see why anyone wouldn't want me." His face was a little nervous, his smile had vanished from its usual spot on his face. 

Jacinto Lykoi

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