you are my hated enemy
418 WC

It was quite and all was calm her cats napping in the tree and aeron could focus on her meditation. It had been a very long time since she had sat herself down and focused on her mind. She knew that every fight and every battle she was in was first won in the mind. If she was able to set her mind up for success they she would always win every battle that she went into.

Not noticing the approach of the male who was now hunting her cats Aeron stayed quite in meditation. She had finally gotten into a place where nothing could bother her mind. She snarled a bit as she heard a sound that was not something she was expecting.

Thisle hissed as she looked at the wolven male who was leaping up at the tree. She nudged Zenna as the young calico female panicked and moved up the tree. She looked at him and hissed eyes scanning for Aeron. She was hoping that the woman had not gotten far from them. “Mama” the calico called as she left over to the next tree. “Mama help” She called again.

Thisle reached out clawing towards the male before swiftly fallowing behind Zenna. The two felines were off and running through the trees searching for Aeron as they managed to gather enough distance from him they stopped. Looking at him still in the other tree the two felines smiled turning to mocj=k the male a bit.

Aeron had been perfectly calm now she was hearing screams from Zenna and it made her worry a bit. She stood as she moved away from the water heading into the trees. She looked for them as she raised a nose to the air. “Zenna! Thisle” She called as she scaned each tree with golden orbs. She could smell them she could also smell another canine here. She found herself on edge no one better mess with her babies. The fur on the nape of her neck rose as she snarled as she heard both cats moving towards her.

“Mama mama’ Zenna called as she leapt down the tree and at Aeron. Thisle leapt down the tree and slid onto Aeron’s shoulder. “What the heck got into you two.” Aeron asked picking up Zenna and patting thisle. “A man mama.” Zenna said hissing slightly. Aeron looked around a bit, “I think your all safe now.” She spoke as she snuggled them. Her poor babies she should have been more careful.

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