If you ever leave me baby,

And this is when Omni's sexiness should fade...No I'm kidding. But he's bound to be jealous if she comes back with someone else's scent on her c: SO SO SORRY FOR THE SHORT POST.

Omni had such infectious humor, he laughed along with her as they talked of breakfast in bed. "Well...Maybe I'll have to get up early and make you something. Then...Then you can't get away!" His tail didn't falter as the hybrid playfully brushed her back with the tip of his tail, but stopped suddenly as she answered and accepted him. "R-Really? You'd want to spend time with me? And be my mate?" Jacinto looked down shyly, getting bashful as he turned back to meet her eyes. "That's...That's good to hear." Although the most loved by his mother, Jacinto didn't seem to be the most popular of his siblings, always the smallish weak one. Omni pulled him close, the gesture was heartwarming and didn't defy the closeness the two felt. His arms wrapped themselves around her waist. Bringing her close to gently kiss her face. "I-I haven't felt this way in a long time." Jacinto admitted with a hint a shyness.

The smell of cooked meat floated from the pot to his nose, the table was messy and full of varying things. Before retrieving the pot, the Spanish canine patted Omni's back and gently pushed her towards the bed. "The table is too messy...Go sit there." He left the pretty female there, picking up bowls before ladling the hot soup into both of them. They smelled delicious, something sumptuous to eat.


Jacinto knew very much about her skills, her ability to create beautiful tattoos. "C-Can you make us tattoos? To commemorate this moment. I want to remember it forever no matter what happens?" Jacinto's  dark tipped tail waved hopefully, wanting to see what her art can do.

Jacinto Lykoi

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