If you ever leave me baby,

I powerplayed your boy a little. Feel free to throw your keyboard at me if you want it changed ^ ^

Omni for once felt peace, his hands brushed through her long hair, his kisses were gentle and he didn't rush with anything. He was a couple of years older, but Jacinto was youthful and not grown up completely. She had many ideas, to basically commemorate this moment. The russet female  had nothing to write with, nothing to draw this moment. Except...Except for her body art tools. He asked about it, and the young woman felt a need to prove her skills "Yeah I can do them, design and all. Sounds great!" Alas her new mate was gently ushering her into the direction of the bed. He headed off to get a bowl of soup for the two of them. "After the meal."


Jacinto passed her a steaming bowl of stew, her hands reached for it and brought the bowl up to her nose. "Smells really good." She took the first sip, silently praising the delicious flavour of the simple meal. "I love you." It was the first time she had said it without replying to him stating it. After she finished off the bowl of soup, she noticed that he was also done with his too. "How about you make yourself comfy...It's gonna sting a little. A back tattoo is sexy...But I'm going to have to do your wrist...That way I can do mine too." Standing, Omni moved away from the bed to root quickly through a pile of different things until she found the little wooden box of body art things.

Once he was sitting rather relaxed and comfortable, Omni let the mould of the design heat in the fire for a few minutes. It used to be used for branding goats and such, and thankfully Omni was able to manipulate the designs to what she wanted, make her own too. The current one was of a heart, but not the usual. It appeared to be covered in barbed wire. Symboling protection and hidden feelings. Once it was heated, the design was picked up from the out by long gentle fingers. "Okay...This is going to burn. Feel free to bite me...This part is most unpleasant and non bien" She gently pressed it against his wrist, it singed the fur away and soon it hit contact with his flesh. She could feel that it hurt him, and all she could do was hold it there for a short moment before quickly pulling it away. Her eyes grew misty, seeing someone else in pain inflicted from her hands was tortuous. "I'm sorry...Here." A salve of numbing herbs and pain-killing   plants was gently smoothed over the burned flesh. Everything so far was done properly, but having to burn someone was not the most pleasant.

Omni had an assortment of dyes and colors, red was the nicest against his different sorrel hues. It was dumped into her palm and quickly administered to the wound area. It soaked in, and effectively dyed the scar. "I think that's it...I'm sorry."

Omni again went to heat the iron, and the process was restarted as she burned and tattooed the inside of her wrist, the same side as his own new tattoo. It was exhausting, the majority of her focus was directed to the tattoos. The salve was kept at the side of the bed, if any of their tattoos festered it would be rather handy. Omni pulled him back to the bed, just to lay with him, careful not to bump against his probably sore wrist. "There. Claimed you." A girlish laugh escaped her muzzle and soon it was buried in his chest.

Omni Cadeaux

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