I just need to breathe

Word Count ::423 Points::3 OOC::

For the majority of the day Mido spent his time outside. He had been doing some training of a different kind. Ninety percent of the time he was really physically active, fighting, sparring and practicing with the wide variety of weapons he had in his possession. Today he had been focusing on the mental work, breathing, meditating, he entered his own mind and played with all the emotions he could feel. The huskadore disciplined himself internally this day, he could feel the aches and pains in his joints and his entire body throughout. He worked himself day in and day out way too hard, resting nowhere near enough of what one should. His pockets were still loaded with projectiles, and his hung out the back of his black cargo pants, although he hadn’t used any weapons today he still carried them on his person. He walked back toward his destination, his dwelling that happened to be one of the dens inside Anathema’s caves.

Paying little attention to his surroundings he continued toward the caves entrance. He hadn’t noticed the female outside the entrance before picking his eyes up from the ground. She sat upon a rock with a pad of paper of sorts in her hands; she seemed to be looking around. It was cold outside, their breath visible upon exhaling, at least she had some form of clothing on. She at least wore a dark cloak around her with a top that was white, and a brown skirt that covered her lower half. The multicolored mix had seen the woman around before, but had no idea what her name was. Approaching the female upon the rock he took notice of her features, her fur color and such, the little details is what he was good at remembering about others. Her eyes looked blue from what he could see, shades of red on her eyebrows and around her mouth; her hair relatively short and kempt. She didn’t look like any kind of wolf he’d known of, she definitely was part dog, what he didn’t know because he hadn’t seen anything like her.

It’s rather cold out here. I don’t think you would want to stay out here too much longer. You might catch a cold if you’re not careful. He spoke to her holding out a brown colored hand to help her up from the rock if she wanted it. He looked down at her with his abnormally blue colored eyes. My name is Mido by the way, and your name would be…?

Table by the Mentors!
my avatar is NATalicious

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